Cleveland Ohio Skyline

Cleveland Ohio Skyline

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My District Family in Cleveland


I don't know bout you guys but I am kinda sick of this whole time crunching thing every week I write :) by the way, if you have sent me a written letter at some point on my mission and you did not receive a written letter back, it's because I lost the envelope with your address on it.... specifically my friend Kelly C. Sorry K! She wrote me twice and I lost the envelope with the address on it twice... I wrote the letters though so now I can beg for an address, ask mom to do recon or read them to her when I see her. That is Crazy Cause the whole mission is going by WAY TOO FAST!

Anyway, this week was full of really cool stuff. For starters, we learned that Shantell is moving, still in the ward but out of our area. Bummer but still get to see her progress and COME TO CHURCH! :D also, speaking of Shantell, life is still rough and Derald isn't getting out as soon as we hoped. After hearing her talk a bout everything that is going on in life, I had the most out of the blue but clear question come to mind. "Do you believe that the Book of Mormon is true?" I asked her the question anticipating the response. after thinking bout it for a short while she said, "yes." We followed up for clarification, "Do you believe that it is from God?" she re affirmed her testimony again with, "yes." I felt the spirit bare testimony to me that she knew it, and I knew that God knew it! I bore my testimony and shared how I learned that for myself. it was not an event. It was a process, it took time, it took patience. but with every word you read in that divine book you will always feel the spirit of the Lord present. always. She was so touched and clearly changed. It is so incredible to me that the Lord knows us individually.

I know the church is true and that god loves me. and you. and them. and us. The gospel is True :) in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Fight the fight, stay the course, keep the faith

Elder Trey

Monday, October 13, 2014

Elder Tr3y's update: Sketchy but Obedient!


The detail I wanted to share will not be here but that's still cool. I am in East Cleveland baby!! The nick name for Cleveland is "the land" so when we read the scripture that says if we obey His commands of God we will prosper in "THE LAND" THEY GET PUMPED!!! ha ha. I love it here. yes there are some sketchy parts but as long as we are obedient and we listen to the spirit we're fine.

I am now in the Kirtland Zone rather than the Kirtland Est Zone. which means I went from one side of the stake to the other. I am in the Cleveland 3rd Ward covering the east side of the ward boundries. and, don't tell mom this, but this is where big crap goes down. ( this color means clip from Dads letter) which means there are a lot of people in need of the gospel and who recognize that life could be better, "but know not where to find it." The members here are VERY excited with the work and we have 4 or 5 new (Called this past Sunday) Ward Missionaries who are looking to set up appointments with us and our investigators at their homes!! This is an awesome ward and area ready to FIND the TRUTH! I still love Solon of course, but it hasn't even been a week here yet! Cleveland 3rd and Solon are always battling for the best Ward in the mission :D ha ha and I get to serve in both of them!! I am so blessed and excited to work with these people.

My comp is Elder Swartzlander from Vegas. He is solid... just got done being trained and loves working hard!! We have 34 referrals from the Gladys Knight concert so we have some great WORK TO DO!!! Yep, this ward is awesome!! I am excited to see the work here grow and progress. These members are feeling the fire of the missionary work and I am LOVING THIS!! As we have met with these people from the Saints Unified Voices, many are very enthusiastic to learn about the gospel. I know that all these wonderful things, changes of my location and many needs to be met are happening and have happened for a reason!! I know that this church is true! I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and is a testament that Joseph Smith did restore the Kingdom of God onto the Earth and was called by God and His son Jesus Christ to do it. and Cleveland doesn't know all these things yet... BUT THEY WILL!!!!!!! Man le's GO!!!

I love you all and invite you to invite friends and family as directed by spirit to see the film meet the mormons!!! IT IS SO GOOD!!!! love you, mean it!!


Elder Toolson III

3) Sweet graffiti in East Cleveland

2) The salsgivers (SOLON)

1) The Gough Family (Definitely one of my VERY FAVORITES!) (SOLON)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Trey's Conference Week Update:

It's awesome to be a missionary!! If you look at how hard a mission is going to be or all of the things you have to give up you would probably never even think about going!! but just as in every situation that is true. what are the benefits? I have seen myself become more closely affiliated and familiar with the Savior as i have come to serve and love Him. i know that i have been called by God through His modern day Prophet Thomas S. Monson to do the Work that Lord needs me to do.

General Conference is coming up this weekend. Which is a meeting that is broadcasted 2 times a year to the World. This is when The Prophet of our Father in heaven who has the same authority as Prophets in Holy Writ and they speak to each of us about how we can apply the teachings of Jesus Christ in today's world as well as reveals the Current Word of the Lord. Just as Christ set up his church with 12 apostles so has His restored church. We also hear from the Current 12 Apostles as chosen by the Lamb of God as he did when he walked the earth. I am so grateful for this time to ear the words of the Lord's servants and would like to extend an invitation to everyone to invite someone who has not seen a General Conference for the LDS church to attend and view it with you!! Blessings and miracles are all around you... so what do you want to do? window shop? or actually partake of the blessings that God WANTS you to have and experience! THIS IS BIGGER THEN THE SUPER BOWL PEOPLE!!! OR THE WORLD CUP!! THE WORLDS BIGGEST CUP OR BOWL COULDN'T CONTAIN A FRACTION OF THE BLESSINGS THAT COME FROM GENERAL CONFERENCE!! Please take this precious time to hear what the Lord has to say to you.

This last week we met with a few amazing people!

One guy we met, Gill, recently got back from SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA WHERE HIS SON LIVES!!! We started of with talking about Saints Unified Voices and is only desire was to learn about what we teach, what the Book of Mormon and the Restoration DVD taught, and a little bit of our testimony. after our meeting with him and his wife coming in a little later, we were all very excited for our next appointment!! another Lady says she wants to come to General Conference.

Friday, we had Elder Teh come and visit the Missionaries in the Cleveland and Kirtland stakes. It was amazing! He helped me understand what I and we can do differently and better. A HUGE part of it was how we can and need to be working with members in our finding and teaching. That is PARAMOUNT in missionary work. We have to be working with the members!

He also pointed out the word ALMOST. he used examples such as, "I almost missed that tree!." and "I almost committed them to be baptized." "I almost took out the garbage today!" haha it reminded me a little bit of dad. I loved it!! We can and need to give our whole selves and in return God gives us a better us. it's a pretty cool cycle ;)

I love you all and i had time this week to write!! :D so cool! Take the gospel to someone today!!

Fight the fight, stay the course, keep the faith.


Elder Tr3y Toolson

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Feeling the spirit like a baptist...

Hello All...Trey refers to a family that he ran into at church in Solon, OH that are close neighbor friends from Bonita/Chula Vista days. The Barnes Family. Shelly sent me the photo so I added it to the end of his other 2 photos. :) Have a great week and may we all feel the Baptist spirit! Ha that boy.

Oh dear this week was SO FUN!!!!! so this Email is coming in on a Wednesday due to Saints Unified Voices this last weekend which was SO FUN!!! We were able to bring investigators to 3 of the 4 sessions and we helped take down and put everything away Saturday evening with the Crew. Both nights we didn't get home until 12:30 or 1:00 and i got to drive! we had so much fun!! The songs were incredible and the spirit was felt in an unfamiliar way... I was totally standing up, sitting down, Saying "AMEN" and "Hallelujah" and after 3 sessions i even knew some of the songs!!! My baptist side was comin' out somethin' FIERCE!! but i LOVED IT!! and so did everyone there!! Sister Gladys Knight McDowel's Testimony was powerful and so was her husbands. the spirit was strong and they were absolutely hysterical! one concern that he had when he was investigating the church was not whether it was true, he KNEW it was true, his concern was as he expressed in prayer... "I know it's true but, why'd you have to give it to a white boy?" after a few fervent prayers sincerely asking that question the response from the Holy Spirit was, "He's not a white boy, He's you brother."

One instance because there are far too many to mention them all was our investigator Janice and her sister Brenda who has been investigating for 5 years invited 6 of their friends. most of which had preconceived notions that we as a church were un-accepting towards others and their culture. by the middle of the fireside everyone felt this incredible spirit in the room and unity that could not be denied.Those women had the chance to come to know who we really are as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. as a whole, these fireside produced over 600 referrals for our mission and around 10-13 were for our area. Each of those are knowingly requesting a copy of the Book of Mormon, "the Restoration" DVD, and a CD of a few songs from the Choir that they heard that night. One lady came up to us with excitement and boldness saying, "You better get me a copy of the Book of Mormon." It was so incredible to see and be a part of that! We are so excited and blessed to have this opportunity to visit and work with these people and the members that invited them. 

Hey, We also ran into The Barnes Family at Church! Sis Barnes will be sending a photo...Parker is HUGE! I'm sending 2 other photos of me with Families we LOVE serving and teaching here in Solon!

I love you all and Keep up the Prayers!! Invite someone to do something church related this week! then write your experience down. i promise youthat youwill feel the spirit encouraging what to do and what to say. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

Fight the fight, stay the course, keep the faith.

Elder Trey Toolson

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Golly it's Fall in Kirtland!

OH MY GOODNESS GOLLY GRACIOUS AND ALL THAT IS GREAT! THIS WEEK HAS BEEN INSANE!! It feels like all we have done was meetings this week and not much opportunity to really proselyte but that's the way the donkey dances sometimes :) Although at Transfers this week Elder Stucki and I (MTC comp and boss awsome) did the musical number... "I Stand All Amazed" (1 of my moms top 5 favs) with "I Know That My Redeemer Lives". I was singing melody and solo with elder stucki playing piano and tenor harmonizing. He is so talented and we just both enjoy being musical, it was beautiful. The spirit was there so strong and we all really felt the love of our Savior there at that meeting! Sometimes those meeting are all you need to buoy you up and carry you thru another 6 weeks.

I am staying here for at least 6 more weeks in Solon and Kirtland! Which I am very excited about. there are so many good things in the oven and on the stove that we got cooking up. I may not be here for the feast when we actually partake of those fruits but I was there for the preparation and I loved seasoning them with all my heart and I will continue to go & do!

We had 2 investigators come to church and one of them accepted BAPTISM WOOT WOOT!!!!! She has said that she loves the gospel thus far but wont set a date just yet. she knows what we have taught so far is good and of God. The spirit has been POWERFUL every lesson and her questions are good. So we will just keep plunking along!

I am so sorry that I don't have too much time with some reports I still need to get out but there are so many miracles happening everyday! I am exhausted, I am stressed out and I love it with all of my heart!! I don't want it any other way! There are lots of missionaries to teach and serve as well as members and those searching, I know that the Lord prepares his children for their callings and for everything that he asks us to do! I am grateful for this gospel! I love you all!! thank you for your love and support! I would love to hear from YOU!

Fight the fight, stay the course, keep the Faith


Elder Trifecta Toolson :)